Guernsey intends to operate a dual regime for distribution of funds.  This will apply to both EU and non-EU countries.  A funds delegation from Guernsey recently went to the US to update US contacts with details of the Island’s dual regime ahead of the EU and was reported to have been well attended and positively met.
The subject of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) is eagerly debated in the US for anyone with EU investors or those considering the EU market and is considered one of the reasons that Guernsey is receiving more enquiries from the US as they have embraced the AIFMD.
Guernsey has more entities listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) markets than any other jurisdiction globally and has already impressed the US with its capacity to act as a gateway to listing vehicles on European stock exchanges.
It is expected that as the America’s look for alternatives to their favourite Caribbean jurisdictions for fund structuring that Guernsey may well become a much sought after jurisdiction.