Dubai is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates and has long since established itself as a stable and well known Jurisdiction, but in recent years the growth in wealthy persons doing business or holidaying there has really highlighted the area as one to be respected and led to it to becoming one of the fastest growing jurisdictions in the world.
Dubai is an excellent choice for an offshore corporate structure for a variety of reasons, but to sum up some of the main attractions are as follows;-
– A Dubai Company is tax-free
– Dubai has a reputable image in business and offshore circles
– The offshore business solutions being offered there are tailored towards international business and banking
– No public registers of directors or shareholders
– Fast incorporation
– Dubai is not a member of the EU and therefore is not controlled and obliged to introduce certain dictated regulations
– Dubai is known for its respect of confidentiality and privacy as well as its strong protective legislation.
Dubai offers a number of offshore business solutions. It should be noted that there are important parameters which should be taken into consideration before incorporation to ensure that the most suitable business vehicle is chosen, for instance the International Business Company (IBC), which is by far the most popular vehicle for offshore structures is not permitted to engage in business within Dubai. Therefore we recommend that you consult with one of our knowledgeable advisors in order to ensure that you get the perfect fit for your business needs. Regardless of the option you choose Chesterfield are able to assist you with your Dubai Incorporation.
For more information please contact us.