There have always been less women in the field of international contracting than men, a recent survey has put this figure as less than half of that of men. There are roughly around one million female contractors in the UK compared to more than two and a half million men.
But this could be set to change. Recent studies have shown that a lot more women are now choosing the life of a contractor. The number of female freelancers and umbrella company contractors and limited company contractors has grown by more than 21% in the past five years. The benefits such as increased wage take home and flexibility and control are luring much more women to consider this option. With countries like the UK who have been reporting a substantial need for skilled contractors in fields such as IT, this increase in women choosing to go into this work environment can mean significant benefits to the economy.
Although having many attractive benefits to becoming a contractor one of the reasons that woman are not so ready to go into this lifestyle is because of concerns regarding financial support maternity breaks and childcare when compared to full time employed professions. New schemes are being considered though which should be instrumental in encouraging women to seriously consider self-employment.
Financial security and career prospects were always the concerns that drove women and whereas they used to be reasons not to consider self-employment they are now advantages to choosing this career path.
Chesterfield are experts when it comes to international contracting and are on hand to advise regarding invoicing when it comes to payroll schemes and umbrella companies and so are in an excellent position to help you adjust to the various paperwork requirements in order to facilitate a move into taking control of your financial future.
For more information about ways we can help you please do not hesitate to contact us by following the link below or call us on our offices Telephone Number: 44 20 7097 1385 Contact Us