Many companies require you to work within a limited company structure for legal reasons.
Using an umbrella company is a perfect solution for this. An umbrella company is already established and so there is no delay in signing contracts whilst this is set up and it will already have a bank account and be working at a level that meets the stringent requirements demanded by some firms today.
Contractors who often work through single client contracts for shorter periods of time do not want to become permanent employees and so they do not want to pay the full tax that a permanent employee would. Umbrella companies offer a tax compliant solution.

Irish Umbrella companies are perfect if you are going to be contracting in Ireland as they enable the paperwork with regards to work permits and taxes in Ireland to be processed much more smoothly. Alternatively if you are planning to work abroad they are still a better option than certain other jurisdictions because many international companies have high standards when it comes to compliance and Irish companies are held in high regard and accepted in most locations.
Under our Irish umbrella scheme you will become a PAYE employee of the umbrella company for taxation purposes. Advantages of this include retaining normal social welfare entitlements and PAYE tax credits and being covered by Employers liability and Public liability insurance. Our staff take care of all the paperwork meaning you have no company tax returns to worry about.
Chesterfield have years of experience when it comes to invoicing, expenses and payroll management in the International market. We have a number of choices when selecting Ireland for contracting for example a choice of umbrella company solutions depending on your working circumstances or alternatively owning your own limited company.
If you would like to know more about how working under an Irish Umbrella Company could benefit you please do not hesitate to contact us by following the link below or call us on our offices Telephone Number: 44 20 7097 1385 or Contact Us