Shipping can be divided into many areas of business.
The use of container ships or tankers is still the most efficient and flexible manner of transporting large amounts of goods from one destination to another. We specialise on the processing and maintenance of crew payroll. We can provide a fully compliant payroll service to ships and crew in any jurisdiction. This means that the crew members and ship management company do not have to worry about any legal or taxation issues arising during their voyages.
The ownership, registration and management of yachts can be a complex issue, whether it be a commercial or a personal yacht. There are many factors to be taken in account particularly for new builds. We are able to advise you on which registration flag is most suitable for your needs, as well as guiding you through the many pitfalls that can be encountered when changing ownership or registering a yacht in a different jurisdiction from the one in which it was built. There are often tax implications to these choices and often customs and excise can become involved also. We are also able to manage the chartering and management of yachts, again if this is not set up correctly there can be unanticipated tax implications.
To learn more about Shipping servicesfollow the link below or call us on our offices
Telephone Number: +44 20 37713853