There was a time when Contracting abroad was only for the highly adventurous and brave. However travel has become a part of normal life in today’s society and advancements in technology ensure that living abroad is no longer the scary isolated step that it used to be. Finding work abroad is a simple matter of using the internet to locate jobs whilst communication applications such as skype ensure that you are no longer cut off from your family and friends.
But what makes living abroad so much different than working at home when it comes to skills that can be introduced into the workplace?
Self-reliance, the inability to discuss matters with those around you due to language barriers whether in the work place or in a local environment such as a train station means that a decision often has to be made quickly and stuck to.
Negotiation, you will not always agree with your foreign co-workers or acquaintances, however this provides a perfect chance to enhance your negotiation skills whether it is to change the mind set slightly at work to get more produced or to not pay more than the man in front of you at the market.
Problem solving, things may work slightly differently abroad and you may often find that you do not have the familiarity of home when it comes to dealing a variety of issues that face you in daily life.
Communication, even if you share a common language this is an important skill that is always engaged when working abroad due to different cultural backgrounds.
Broad-mindedness, working abroad often opens you up to different opinions that you had not considered before and usually results in a much more educated and tolerate view of alternative aspects of diverse issues.
The above is just a sample of skills that you will practice on a daily basis when living and working abroad usually without even realising it, without the familiarity and comfort of home you will find yourself adapting to cope with a variety situations that you would not usually find yourself in at home.
Whilst working abroad provides the perfect opportunity to develop your personal skills it also can provide a variety of headaches with regards to red tape and different tax systems. It often involves examining a lot of legislation and guidelines as well as a lot of paperwork. We at Chesterfield are on hand to offer advice and practical solutions with regards to this aspect of contracting abroad allowing you to kick back and concentrate on improving you skill set enabling you to flourish in your new environment.
Please contact us for more information.