A recent survey form the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) has shown that 85% of professional recruitment leaders in the UK predict business growth over the next twelve months.
The survey was conducted to gain insight into issues, such as the Brexit, which currently effect growth in the recruitment sector. Almost all respondents agreed that talent is the most important factor and regardless of any issues companies will continue to recruit the right person for the job.
50% of the respondents believed that the Brexit would positively affect contracting recruitment due to companies being less inclined at present to hire permanent staff to carry our necessary projects and system changes until the uncertainty surrounding the exit is diminished.
The Brexit will also bring changes to regulatory regimes which will result in one-off projects such as changes in IT systems which will bring increased temporary positions to IT contractors.
Separate surveys into large and small businesses support APSCo’s findings with many expecting to expand in areas such as science, IT and construction. Skill shortages remain the biggest worry for the future and access to highly skilled migrants is a priority.
However, there is still concern for UK contractors who traditionally choose to contract abroad in countries such as Germany, Holland, Belgium or France facing increased difficulties in gaining contracts there.
So it is expected that short term the impact of the Brexit on UK contractors would appear to be positive. However, long term remains an uncertainty.