If you are thinking of working in Belgium and setting up contractor services or a business branch, you will do well to seek the assistance of an expert international company to help you. The Chesterfield group is your perfect choice, offering you a comprehensive list of services from invoicing to fee collection, setting up umbrella company services, to offshore banking plus much more. Each country has specific laws for financial issues and compliancy surrounding VAT and taxation, insurance and working practices. If you are working in Belgium for the first time it can be a minefield operating within the law, and investing in advisory services like ours will definitely be worthwhile. We have designed our website to show clients our vast capabilities and suite of advisory services we offer for working abroad, with a list of the strategically placed offices we have worldwide.
Many countries find using overseas contractors a lot cheaper than local services or in some cases, there may not be the expertise in skills in the country to do the work. This happens often in engineering and IT fields and overseas contractors are used extensively to bridge the gaps. You may have found that working in Belgium offers you some excellent opportunities, and may even decide to set up a small contracting company to provide these services. This is definitely where you will find the services of The Chesterfield Group indispensable, and when you see our comprehensive Tech Suite package you will certainly agree that it is a worthwhile investment. Have a look at the services we offer for contracting and working in Belgium, shipping, invoicing, umbrella services, and much more to learn more details.
There are different financial laws you will have to comply with if you are working in Belgium, and it is easy to break the law if you do not know what these are. The same goes for other different countries laws like in the USA and the UK for examples each having their own unique VAT, taxation, Insurance and banking practices. Dealing with a company that has the expertise in offshore banking and accounting and legal issues for overseas countries is an investment that cannot be ignored to operate your contractor services or business branch overseas. The Chesterfield Group can help, also offering management offices in many worldwide locations for ease of access for clients.
Simply complete the form online to let us know the services you are interested in, and we urge you to have a look at our Tech Suite package if you are thinking of working in Belgium. There is no need to worry about compliancy responsibilities and other accounting when you have a team of experts to help. Best of all, you will find the rates for our advisory services exceptional value for money, and always have access to a team of professionals that will help you when you are having any problems. Call us today and look forward to top level, results driven services, where our clients’ needs are always put first!