If you are a contractor or freelancer you can now benefit from the freedom that comes with such a professional lifestyle without all the hassles and administrative responsibilities normally associated with being self employed. Even better, you can also benefit from claiming various business expenses which will help reduce your tax bill and so increase your net take home pay. This is why using Chesterfield Group as a Contractor Umbrella Company is a great option for you, so you can have stress free career and none of the burdens that usually come with contracting. Their team of experienced accountants has been providing umbrella services to different contractors. They at Chesterfield Group will take on the burden of legal and accounting issues, taxation, insurance, invoicing, in fact every aspect of administration, leaving you to concentrate on your contract. Their Contractor Umbrella Company solution will enable you to enjoy the benefits of contracting without the administrative hassle. They will maximize your net income, save you time and alleviate you of any concerns.
By using Chesterfield Group as a Contractor Umbrella Company, the contractor becomes an employee of their umbrella company, while retaining the independent flexibility to find and choose their own work, rates, clients and terms and conditions. Each contractor has their own set of individual circumstances and needs to make their own judgment. Running your own limited company may suit some contractors, but the majority of contractors will see the obvious benefits that come from using the services of an umbrella company. Working with a Contractor Umbrella Company is an easier way for you to get paid and more often than not to reduce your tax bill, whilst at the same time reducing your paperwork to a minimum. Chesterfield Group as a Contractor Umbrella Company helps you save time on administration, time which would be better spent finding new business or working on existing contracts. For short term contractors, a main advantage is not having the costly process of forming a company and then arranging for it to be dissolved. They pride their selves on their unrivalled level of service and quality of advice.
Some umbrella providers are contactable only by email; with Chesterfield Group service you can rest assured that there will be someone friendly and experienced at the end of the phone should you have a problem or query. They at Chesterfield Group as a Contractor Umbrella Company have a number of satisfied clients. Their objective is motto is “service beyond excellence” and they are ready to face any challenge that comes their way. Anybody can set themselves up as an umbrella company, without any experience or qualifications, so it is important to know exactly who you are trusting to handle your hard earned money. At Chesterfield Group their quality umbrella schemes are run by qualified accountants, who will be able to offer personal and professional guarantees. As a Contractor Umbrella Company they know the answers to your questions and will help and guide you every step of the way. Working closely with their clients is their priority, this will ensure you operate in a way which best suits you.